Parole de fromagers

Legal notice

Terms and Conditions of Sale

Conditions Générales de Vente – Legal Notices

41 rue du Faubourg du Temple
75010 Paris

Terms and Conditions of Sale

On the website, our prices are inclusive of VAT, subject to availability and change in pricing.

PAYMENT METHODS: Payment can be made by check, credit card, bank transfer, or cash when placing an order. Pursuant to Law No. 2012-387, the fixed indemnity for collection costs is €40. For online sales, a confirmation email is sent upon receipt of payment. This email can be facilitated through the payment interface (Paypal or Bank).

GIFT VOUCHER: A purchased Gift Voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. The voucher’s validity date will be stated on the confirmation document. Each voucher is identified by a unique number. After 6 months, if the recipient has not contacted Paroles de Fromagers, the voucher will be considered expired. Paroles de Fromagers will then be released from its commitment to the recipient.

COUPLE OFFER: The so-called “couple offers” are exclusively reserved for events pre-organized by Paroles de Fromagers. They do not apply to private events.

TASTING CANCELLATION-RESCHEDULE: Any paid reservation for a tasting is firm and final. > In case of your unavailability, Paroles de Fromagers offers the option to reschedule your participation to another date, with a limit of one reschedule. Since Paroles de Fromagers works with “living” products, your request must be made no later than 7 days before the tasting via email at It should include your name, the date and theme of the relevant tasting, and the new desired date if applicable. > In the event of Paroles de Fromagers’ unavailability, you will be offered either rescheduling the tasting for another date or a refund of the reservation via the payment method (credit card, check, bank transfer, or cash) used during the reservation. Minor Protection: In accordance with the law, alcohol tasting is prohibited for minors. The recipient therefore undertakes to be 18 years old at the date of ordering a tasting service. Paroles de Fromagers disclaims any responsibility for any law violation unknown to the presenter on the part of the recipient.

REFUND: If cancellation conditions are met and the user requests a refund of their service, the customer agrees to bear the reservation fees incurred by Paroles de Fromagers, which will not be refundable.

DELIVERY: Specify your delivery preferences in the corresponding section of the order form (preferred delivery day, etc.). Upon receiving the products, check the condition and contents of the packages.

SHIPPING COSTS: Regarding online product sales, a variable contribution to transport costs is applied. For purchases over €89, shipping costs are waived.

Legal Notices Any order placed for a product or service listed in the Paroles de Fromagers Catalog on the website:, implies the prior consultation of these general conditions. Consequently, the consumer acknowledges being perfectly informed that their agreement regarding the content of these general conditions requires the handwritten signature of this document at the bottom of the printed order form. The consumer accepts that the validation during the reservation of the service, the reading, and acceptance of the general terms of sale, constitute an impression and handwritten signature. The consumer has the ability to save or edit these general conditions, with the understanding that both the saving and editing of this document are their sole responsibility. The consumer, prior to placing an order, declares that the acquisition of these products is unrelated to their professional activity, the acquisition being reserved for their personal use. As a consumer, the customer therefore has specific rights, which would be called into question if the products or services acquired through the website were, in reality, related to their professional activity. The Paroles de Fromagers Catalog online on the website includes the following information: 1- legal notice 2- presentation of the essential characteristics of the goods and services offered 3- indication, in Euros, of the price of goods, as well as, if applicable, delivery charges 4- indication of payment, delivery, or performance methods 6- the validity period of the offer or price 7- All this information is presented in French. The consumer declares to have full legal capacity enabling them to commit to these general conditions.

Article 1: These general conditions express the entire obligations of the parties. In this sense, the consumer is deemed to accept without reserve all the provisions provided for in these general conditions. No general or specific condition appearing in the documents sent or given by the consumer can be integrated into these, as long as these documents are incompatible with these general conditions.

Article 2: Purpose

These general conditions aim to define the rights and obligations of the parties in the sale of goods and services offered by Paroles de Fromagers to the consumer.

Article 3: Contractual Documents

This contract is formed by the following contractual documents, presented in descending hierarchical order: these general conditions; the order form. In the event of a contradiction between the provisions contained in documents of different ranks, the provisions of the higher-ranking document will prevail.

Article 4: Entry into Force – Duration

These general conditions come into force on the date of signing the order form. These general conditions are concluded for the duration necessary for the supply of the goods and services subscribed to, until the expiry of the guarantees due by Paroles de Fromagers.

Article 5: Handwritten Signature

Only the handwritten signature affixed at the bottom of the order form can validate it. The electronic signature via the acceptance of the T&Cs is equivalent to a handwritten signature.

Article 6: Order Confirmation

Contractual information will be subject to confirmation by email no later than at the time of delivery or, failing that, at the address indicated by the consumer within the order form.

Article 7: Proof of Transaction

The computerized registers, kept in the computer systems of Paroles de Fromagers under reasonable security conditions, will be considered as proof of communications, orders, and payments made between the parties. Archiving of order forms and invoices is carried out on a reliable and durable medium that can be produced as evidence.

Article 8: Product Information

8-a: Paroles de Fromagers presents on its website the products and services for sale with the necessary characteristics that allow compliance with Article L 111-1 of the Consumer Code, which provides for the possibility for the potential consumer to know, before placing a final order, the essential characteristics of the products and/or service they wish to purchase.

8-b: The offers presented by Paroles de Fromagers are only valid within the limits of available stocks.

Article 9: Price

Prices are indicated in euros and are valid only on the date of sending the order form by the consumer. Unless otherwise specified and express, they do not include delivery charges, billed additionally, and indicated before order validation. Prices include the applicable VAT rate on the day of the order, and any change in the applicable VAT rate will automatically be reflected in the price of the products in the online store. The full price must be paid when placing the order. At no time can the sums paid be considered as down payments or advances.

Article 10: Payment Method

To settle their order, the consumer can choose from all the payment methods specified in the order form. The consumer guarantees to Paroles de Fromagers that they have the necessary authorizations to use the chosen payment method when validating the order. Paroles de Fromagers reserves the right to suspend order processing and delivery in case of refusal of payment authorization by credit card issuing bodies or in case of non-payment. Paroles de Fromagers expressly reserves the right to refuse delivery or fulfill an order from a consumer who has not fully or partially paid a previous order or is involved in an ongoing payment dispute. Paroles de Fromagers has implemented an order verification procedure to ensure that no one uses another person’s banking information without their knowledge. As part of this verification, the customer will be asked to send a copy of an ID and proof of address to Paroles de Fromagers by fax. The order will only be validated upon receipt and verification of the submitted documents.

Paroles de Fromagers retains ownership of the sold goods until full payment of the principal and accessory amounts. In the event of a safeguard, reorganization, or judicial liquidation procedure involving the buyer, ownership of the delivered goods and unpaid services may be claimed by the seller. While the goods remain the property of the seller until full payment is made, the buyer is prohibited from disposing of them, reselling them, or altering them before payment. These provisions do not prevent the transfer of risks to the buyer upon delivery of the sold goods.

In accordance with Law No. 2012-387, the lump-sum indemnity for collection costs is €40.

Article 11: Product Availability

In case of unavailability of the ordered product, especially due to our suppliers, the consumer will be informed as soon as possible and will have the option to cancel their order. The consumer will then have the choice to either request a refund of the amounts paid within 30 days of payment or exchange the product and/or service.

Article 12: Delivery Terms

Products are delivered to the address provided by the consumer in the order form and only within metropolitan France. The consumer is required to check the condition of the packaging and the merchandise upon delivery and report any damage caused by the carrier on the delivery note, as well as to Paroles de Fromagers, within one week. Upon request, the consumer can receive an invoice at the billing address, not the delivery address, by selecting the option provided on the order form.

Article 13: Delivery Issues Due to the Carrier

Any anomaly regarding the delivery (damage, missing product compared to the delivery note, damaged package, broken products, etc.) must be indicated on the delivery note in the form of “detailed handwritten reservations,” accompanied by the date and the customer’s signature. The consumer must also confirm this anomaly by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the carrier within two business days following the delivery date, explaining the said claims. The consumer must send a copy of this letter by regular mail to:

Paroles de Fromagers – 41 rue du Faubourg du temple 75010 Paris

Article 14: Force Majeure

Neither party will have failed to meet its contractual obligations to the extent that their performance is delayed, hindered, or prevented by fortuitous events or force majeure. Any irresistible, external, unpredictable, unavoidable events or circumstances beyond the parties’ control that cannot be prevented by them, despite all reasonable efforts, will be considered force majeure or fortuitous events. The party affected by such circumstances will notify the other within ten business days of the date on which they became aware of them. The two parties will then meet, within one month, unless prevented by force majeure, to examine the impact of the event and agree on the conditions under which the contract will be executed. If the force majeure event lasts more than three months, these general conditions may be terminated by the injured party. Expressly considered as force majeure or fortuitous events are those usually recognized by French courts and tribunals, including transportation or supply chain disruptions, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, lightning, telecommunication network shutdowns, or difficulties specific to telecommunication networks external to customers.

Article 15: Partial Non-Validation

If one or more provisions of these general conditions are deemed invalid or declared as such under the law, regulations, or a final decision of a competent court, the remaining provisions will retain their full force and scope.

Article 16: Non-Waiver

The fact that one of the parties does not invoke a breach by the other party of any of the obligations set forth in these general conditions shall not be interpreted for the future as a waiver of the obligation in question.

Article 17: Title

In case of difficulty interpreting any of the titles at the beginning of the clauses and any of the clauses themselves, the titles will be declared nonexistent.

Article 18: Applicable Law

These general conditions are subject to French law, both in terms of substantive and formal rules. In the event of a dispute or complaint, the consumer will first contact Paroles de Fromagers to seek an amicable solution.

Article 19: Data Protection and Freedoms

The information requested from the consumer is necessary for processing their order and may be communicated to contractual partners of Paroles de Fromagers involved in the execution of this order. The consumer can write to Paroles de Fromagers, whose contact information is within the privacy policy outlined on the website, to object to such communication or to exercise their rights of access, rectification concerning the information about them in the files of Paroles de Fromagers, as provided by the law of January 6, 1978.

Paroles de Fromagers is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of the personal information provided by you, visitors, and customers of our site. This means:

  1. Volatility of data collected on the Merchant’s site
  2. Protection of personal data
  3. Compliance with the Data Protection and Freedoms Act
  4. Summary table of the company’s identification.

In accordance with the Data Protection and Freedoms Act dated January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify, and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by sending a letter to the following address:

Summary Table Business Name: Paroles de Fromagers’s shop Legal Status: Limited Liability Company Registered Office Address: 41 Rue du Faubourg du Temple 75010 Paris RCS Paris (Company Registration Number): 800 020 869 RCS Paris

Article 20: Guarantees

All our products benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity and the guarantee against hidden defects, as provided by Articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code. In the event of non-conformity of a sold product, it can be returned, exchanged, or refunded.

All claims, requests for exchange, or refunds must be made by email to within 30 days of delivery.

The products must be returned to us in the condition in which you received them, including all elements (accessories, packaging, instructions, etc.). Shipping costs will be reimbursed based on the invoiced rate, and return costs will be reimbursed upon presentation of supporting documents.


Privacy Policy of Paroles de Fromagers

  1. Introduction

Welcome to Paroles de Fromagers. This privacy policy is intended to inform you about how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal data when you use our website.

  1. Data We Collect

We may collect the following types of data:

Information voluntarily provided by you, such as your name, email address, etc., when you subscribe to our newsletter, fill out a form, or create an account.

Automatically collected information, such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, etc., for the purposes of analysis and improvement of our website.

  1. How We Use Your Data

We use your personal data to:

Provide you with personalized information, services, and features.

Manage your account and respond to your requests.

Enhance and customize your experience on our site.

  1. Data Sharing

We do not share your personal data with third parties without your consent, except when necessary to provide our services or as required by law.

  1. Your Rights

You have the right to access, correct, delete, and object to the processing of your personal data. To exercise these rights, please contact us at

  1. Data Security

We implement appropriate security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access or alteration.

  1. Cookies

We use cookies to enhance your experience on our site. You can manage cookie preferences in your browser settings.

  1. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Changes will be posted on this page along with the update date.

  1. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us at

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