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Pairing rosé wine with cheese, operating instructions

In the summer, rose wine is a winner: cooler and lighter than red, it fills your tables to enhance your grilled meats. But does it go well with cheese ? Follow our tips to find out.

Rosé is ok, but if it fits the seasons

There are such a wide variety of cheeses that it is difficult, if not impossible, to find THE wine that will work with all of them.

What will help you choose is seasonality. Well yes, sincecheese is a seasonal product, you need to consume it in during its ideal period. We know that in the spring you should not miss the fresh goat cheeses, the cheeses that are best eaten in the summer are rather soft cheeses with washed and flowered rinds (excluding long-keeping cheeses like Salers, Comté, etc. that are eaten throughout the year).

Rosé, yes, but you must respect regions

If there is one thing you should know, it is that, in general, wine and cheese from the same region go very well together. Think about the Comté with yellow wine, the Munster with Gewurztraminer…

Rosé wines also offer great diversity and do have their own character and specificity !

Pick for example a full-bodied Rosé from Corsica or an Irouleguy with sheep cheeses , because Corsica and the Pyrenees are two large sheep farming regions. To go with the fresh goat cheeses, nothing is better than a Sancerre or a Rosé from Languedoc, while the Italian Burratawill love the company of a rosé from the nearby Provence. As for the Roquefort, it will require a powerful rosé like the rosé from Bordeaux.

Surprise your guests with amazing pairs of rosé/cheese

Preconceived ideas are tough and it is almost certain that your table will give you a funny look if you opt for a rosé when it’s time for cheese. Do not lose your cool and instead : surprise the’ taste buds of your guests. Invite the very subtle and fruity Pinot Noir d’Alsace, not really a rosé anymore nut not at all red, alongside a Brie or aChaource : WOW effect guaranteed !

You’re passionate about pairing cheese and wine ? Come and meet our cheese expert, he will share all his secrets during a cheese and wine tasting workshop in Paris.

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