Everything you need to know about Maroilles cheese

Have you ever heard of a Northern French Cheese named Maroilles? It’s been really famous all over the world after the release of a blockbuster called “Welcome to the Sticks” (Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis) in France! This sweet cheese is definitely not as strong as you think it is and you might enjoy tasting it […]
All You Need to Know about French Fondue Cheese

Ah, the Savoyard fondue… A typical mountain dish that delights the taste buds in winter and beyond. In this article, we’re going to reveal all the secrets behind this dish and, of course, the cheeses that go with it. To find out all you need to know about Savoyard fondue, keep reading! Where does Savoyard […]
Everything you need to know about French raclette

Oh, raclette… Silver medallist on the podium of France’s favorite dishes, this gastronomic marvel never ceases to spoil the taste buds of the most discerning gourmets. A traditional dish for winter, autumn and all year round for the true lovers, raclette reveals all its secrets in this article from the cheese French experts at Paroles […]
How to store cheese properly?

Is it better to keep your cheese in the fridge or in the cellar? Is it better to use a vacuum, a glass cloche or the open air? Is it better to put the cheese on the top or at the bottom of the fridge? What is the perfect temperature for storing cheese? Let’s see all the recommendations from the French experts of Paroles de Fromagers and learn how to properly store cheese!
Top 5 of farmer’s cheeses to enjoy this summer

They are your freshness allies for your summer meals and flavor guarantees for your barbecue with friends: focus on the summer stars of cheeses !